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Profit With Options Workshop
Your financial freedom begins here ...

“Profit With Options” will be distilling the results of YEARS of my professional trading experience into a four-day event! Here are some of the benefits and reasons you'll want to attend this upcoming, ground breaking workshop:

* Easy-to-Understand and implement, but POWERFUL strategies for taking a stock that's moved only a little bit… and making it BULLETPROOF so that it can gain more, but LITTLE to lose

* More than TEN "Trading Strategies"… adjustments you can make on the fly to capture more money, reduce risk, or both

* Three NEW Monthly Income Methods…new arrows for your quiver… tools for taking money out of Market on a regular basis

* Will cover every detail of Options Trading that even dazzled the PhD's ……in plain English and no hard math!

* Playing the BEAR side of the Market … with the low risk… without messing with margin or funky broker requirements… and with no constraints in TIME!

* Making Money while market is moving sideways. This is very essential as market lies much of it time moving no where.

* Workshop will feature a unique, dynamic and INTERACTIVE learning environment so that whatever you learned stay with you longer and can be remembered (and APPLIED) more perfectly

* Workshop materials, printed clearly and in binders… so you can take the material home and digest thus having a more complete understanding of the trading Methods

* Over two weekends (41/2days), you can learn how to trade independently, construct you own trading style in line with life style, while still being in position to have unlimited upside or downside profit!
PWO Mar12 Batch
Why you need to attend
This workshop cuts through the entire BS about how to make money in the US stock market… beginning with the fact that buying and selling stocks is NOT investing. It's trading. And there IS a difference.

Whether your hold time for stocks is a few days… or HOURS… or if you'd rather do like Warren Buffet and hold them "forever"… the long and short of it (pardon the pun) is that if you plan to ever change your position at all, you are a TRADER.

Money management is the most essential part of being a trader. This workshop EMPHASIZE where most systems fail to even address: the correct position sizing for each of your investments. Deciding how much of your capital to put at risk is no longer an afterthought. Guessing where to set your stop losses is no longer done on a whim. Selecting your AT RISK amount on each trade and guaranteeing the maximum risk are the first things considered in the PWO Trading method. Proper position sizing and guaranteeing a limited loss amount are more important than picking stocks, timing trades or even the selecting a directional strategy. Proper position sizing is such a central part of the PWO that we will really expect all traders to abide to do it!
The best thing about learning to trade with us is that there are more than TEN different ways to take money out of the market without necessarily risking your own money. That means that for every market condition, you have a quiver full of arrows… ready to take aim at that wild animal that the market is… and NAIL profits down while you stay on the move.

At the workshop you'll also receive some practical instruction on how to use the various trading tools and platform to find, track, manage, and MAXIMIZE your trades. We will demonstrate how EASY the platform makes trading, including (again) a VISUAL graph representation of every single opportunity and challenge you may face with your particular style of trading. This feature alone enables you to run what-if scenarios for each of the strategies in MINUTES … with the math done for you… and give you a readout of exactly what choices you may make to BULLETPROOF your trade or take extra profit from it… or if it would be better just to leave it alone for now. And everything is expressed in a picture form as well as the tables of numbers that… well, some folks like. Me personally, I like the pictures and the bottom line.
PWO Aug2009 Batch
PWO SepOct 2011 Batch
PWO April 2014 Batch

After two powerful weekends of workshop learning, you're not without support. First, you'll have ALL the notes PLUS the slides in a ring binder to relive your workshop any time you like. PLUS! Seminar attendees ONLY will have on-line access to A.Alex Tan and team of Trader Leaders for questions during trading hours … and at least 32 contact hours of face-to-face hand-holding sessions to closely guide you on the proper setup of your trading platform, your technical charts, and answered all your queries on strategies application, live trading …… continued help with the tools. In short, we offer you practical sessions to ensure that you will be profitable.

Profit with Options workshop is only conducted twice yearly. If you miss this batch, you will have to wait at least 4 months before you will have the opportunity to embark on this money making journey. I hope you will seize the moment now and sign up now.

I look forward seeing you at the workshop.

A.Alex Tan
Chief Trainer – iEi Consultants Pte Ltd
Mobile : 82986828 / 96643504
PWO Workshops is only available to you twice in a year!
The next upcoming batch will be in
 October 2014

P.S. More Seminar Information is available online @ www.iei.com.sg or you can register for the workshop through your introducer now. With only 10 limited places available per workshop, I urge you to response early to avoid disappointment.